Friday, December 3, 2010

I am Redeemed, I am Called, I am Christ's.

Some of you may have noticed that it's been a really long time since I last blogged. It wasn't until just that I am sitting back down to write again that I had realized how important writing like this has been for me. In taking the time to write about the Majesty of my God, the failings of my flesh, and the beauty of the grace that I am so undeserving of, I am reminded of the simple yet intricate glory of the Gospel.

I am far too easily distracted from what is truly important. This has always been the case in my life--I think it's just one of the ways that inherent sin manifests itself in my life. My struggle with keeping my priorities straight has really been exacerbated by being a freshman in college. Too often I lose sight of Christ's glorious preeminence in all things.

It's easy to feel that the test in my math class is a vital measure of my competence, that the paper I'm writing for my English class determines my worth, and that the exams looming at the end of next week will decide my future. It's easy to feel academic pressures and make time for homework by shortchanging my time with Jesus. But when I make poor decisions like that I am forsaking the one portion of my life that is steady, dependable, live-giving, and eternal for something of marginal temporary worth. Ultimately my achievements and accomplishments are relegated to positions of stumbling blocks unless Christ is the central aim for my actions. Only when I am pursuing Him, glorifying Him is my life significant.

I've heard it said that even as Christians in a steady walk with Christ that we need to preach the basic premise of the Gospel to ourselves everyday. In my life I have found this to be an absolutely integrally important truth, for I am far too prone to allow the glory of the Gospel to pass me by. I was once dead to my sins, but I am now redeemed and given glorious life through the blood of Christ. It is He who holds me, renews me, provides for me, protects me, and defines me. Christ is my everything; without Him I am nothing.

So as I embark on my first set of college finals, I'll pursue academic excellenece in the name of Christ, but I will also aim to seek His face in all that I do. I'll abide in Him through prayer, through scripture, and through recognition of the beauty of a Nashville sunset or enjoyment of the simple, beautiful fact that He is with me always. I am reminded of Isaiah 43:1 "I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are Mine." I can find peace, assurance, and affirmation in knowledge of the most basic, beautiful aspects of the Gospel: I am redeemed, I am called, I am Christ's.

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