Friday, March 5, 2010

If I Don't Go Tell The World.

"There are no 4 year old atheists."

I've been going through The Truth Project, an in depth study of a Biblical worldview with my Bible study. The segment that we watched on Saturday night pertained to philosophy and ethics. It focused particularly on our awareness of our relational God, and the sad reality that many around us do not acknowledge His existence, (or if they do believe He exists, they refuse to recognize his relevance).

This topic hit particularly close to home for be because so many people that I'm close to deny the magnificence of God's simply being God. I am surrounded by hopelessness and the belief that this life is all there is, that we live and die and simply cease to be. Surrounded by the belief that life has no purpose, that we're simply products of evolutionary development with no greater calling and no definitive ethical code to bind our actions.

This hopelessness breaks my heart. Our souls are empty and long for connection to something deeper than ourselves.When God doesn't fill that void in our hearts we seek to find our fulfillment in other ways. I know. I've tried it. And it doesn't work.

C.S. Lewis once brilliantly explained this dilemma of humanity's search for joy and fulfillment outside of God in his book Mere Christianity. Lewis wrote, "God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."

As I look around me, I see broken hearts seeking fulfillment while denying the existance of God, whose awesome power, indescribable glory, and unfailing love are the only things big enough to fill the void in our human hearts. They turn to alcohol, parties, rebellion, lawbreaking, drugs, and unhealthy relationships instead, and I see their unbelief destroy them. I want so badly to tell this broken world "There is a God, and He loves you. Jesus died for you. Eternity is for you."

But they won't listen. They cling to supposed "freedom" from the authority of God, and nothing I say has the power to soften hardened hearts. Thank goodness responsibility for salvation doesn't lie in my hands. That's all up to Jesus,and when He moves decisively, the world will finally have their blind eyes opened to the joy of Freedom in Jesus.

Until then, I'll simply tell of the beauty of life with my Savior. Perhaps somehow...someway, my life will turn the eyes of those around me to Jesus. I once heard it explained that "There are no 4 year old atheists" because we are born with an innate sense of our connection to our Creator and our inevitable need for a Savior. Maybe all this world needs is a little reminder of child-like wonder and our innocent realization of the greatness of God. So I'll go tell the world. How selfish am I if I don't go tell the world?

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